. Northern Marianas Humanities Council

About Us

Northern Marianas Humanities Council
Springs Plaza, Gualo Rai
P.O. Box 506437, Saipan, MP 96950
Telephone: (670) 235-4785/7/9
Fax: (670) 235-4786
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m except holidays


The Northern Marianas Humanities Council is a non-profit, grants-making corporation established in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in 1991. It has maintained 501 (C) 3 tax status since 1994. It is affiliated with and receives annual grant support from the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities and additional support from other federal, state and private grants and donations.

A thirteen-member volunteer board of directors, reflecting a broad cross section of the community, governs the Council's programs and three-person staff. The Council administers Council conducted programs and activities overseen by staff and awards competitive Community Grants to groups and organizations in support of humanities projects. The Council's programs and Community Grants are undertaken in accordance with its Strategic Master Plan. The Council is committed to providing high quality public humanities programming to the people of the Commonwealth.

Read about recent Council programs and activities in our Annual Report for FY 2015. You are also invited to read the most recent evaluation of the Council completed by an External Assessment Team in conjunction with the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2016. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome!

"The mission of the Northern Marianas Humanities Council is to foster awareness, understanding and appreciation of the humanities through support for educational programs that relate the humanities to the indigenous cultures and to the intellectual needs and interests of the people of the Commonwealth."